Wednesday 16 October 2013

Becoming a parent

When I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, I was picking mangoes in the sunshine hinterland. At the time I was convinced it was the mosquito lavae in the tank water!! oh how naive of me. 
Once the test confirmed that no, it wasn't the lave but a baby, a sense calmness had taken over me, I knew instantly I was going to keep this baby. At the time we were on our travelling journey around Australia, even though we had talked about having kids, it was not in our immediate plans.We stayed on in Queensland for a couple of months, we were living in a caravan, on a property whilst we were picking. We had decided to come back to Melbourne and settle to be around family and friends.
I worked until I was about five months pregnant and then decided to stop and focus on myself and my baby. I walked everyday, did yoga at home, meditated, read books, and educated myself on all things baby.
It can be a trying time, preparing yourself for the unknown, I mean how do you really do that? At the time none of our friends were having babies, it was just us.
There was one thing I knew, I wanted no drugs, I was determined to have the baby naturally, unless there was complications.
I had decided that knowledge was power and I needed to know everything about birthing and labour. So I read books, got in touch people that had babies, read some more. 
I had discovered like I'm sure some of you have that, there are more horror stories out there about labour then positive.
The conclusion I drew was, it was how you looked at it, if you thought of labour as painful, it would be painful, it you thought of it as hard work, it would be hard work, if you attached negative emotions to it you will have a negative experience.
Through meditation and visualisations I taught myself to think of my labour as  a spiritual journey, and that's exactly what I had.
I was in labour for sixteen hours. My mind was elsewhere.
I had found endurance that I thought I never had, I let my body do, what it was meant to. I let go.
I know this might sound far fetched, that is why I am writing it, you can make your birth and pregnancy what you want it to be, and I wanted to share my story, because it is a positive one.

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I have realised that there is much more to what I do.I have a impact on people and the way they think about certain subjects. Sowing the ...