Wednesday 12 February 2014

mjcreative: A jungle of climbing beans and zucchini

mjcreative: A jungle of climbing beans and zucchini: Before I went on a summer break for three weeks, I thought I had built a substantial teepee for my climbing beans. When I can back the bea...

A jungle of climbing beans and zucchini

Before I went on a summer break for three weeks, I thought I had built a substantial teepee for my climbing beans.
When I came back the beans had overgrown so much so, the teepee had collapsed under the weight. In hindsight, I should have done a activity with the children to build a sturdier structure for the beans to grow. How are you beans going?
I also at a first time grower of zucchini. I had under estimated how long the vine would grow, both in my garden at work and at home, the leafs are very large and the vine is spilling over the sides of the beds. They have also attached themselves to the fence, with a little help of the grapevine. We picked a few zucchinis already, which the children have loved, I have had to reinforce that as beautiful as the yellow flowers are we have to leave so the zucchini can grow, I love showing them the process, after all it's all their hard work of helping me maintain the garden. Some of my tomato plants have split due to the stakes not being tall enough, I have just bought new taller stakes, but it has been a struggle, they are a tangled mess. I have lots of fruit on them although they fruited late, they are yet to go red. I do have a variety I bought from Diggers, I think they were called tigerlilly, they ripened and tasted great, we are waiting with anticipation for the other plants

The children and I have built larger teepee's and I am now going to dedicate a whole bed to vegetables of the climbing kind, with the help of a parent we are going to put poly pipe across the bed as a climbing structure. I have posted some pictures of the beds at the moment and I will post some more soon. How is your summer garden going? Has it survived this heat?

Thursday 6 February 2014

Summer break filled with family fun.

 My apologies I have not posted for a while. I have had time off work with my family over the festive season.
It's interesting having your children around you constantly and observing there relationship with each other and how they keep themselves entertained. The simplicity's of childhood and delving into your imagination. Throughout our break, we crafted, we adventured nature bound and we stayed home, enjoying the sleep ins and hung about in a pj's.
While I was away the garden at work was producing a abundance of fruit, I went in a couple of times to water and check on everything. So much had grown.
I will post some pictures of the garden.
This household is reluctantly getting back into the swing of school and work, I will endeavour to

blog once a week (hopefully) with news on gardens, children and all things crafty.


I have realised that there is much more to what I do.I have a impact on people and the way they think about certain subjects. Sowing the ...