Monday 16 February 2015


I have begun working within centers,introducing sustainability. Due to regulations I can not post pictures of the children, but here I have posted one child's work work after the session. The children have been very receptive and engaged, they loved talking about the worms. Hopefully before the end of term we will have the worm farm set up.

Monday 9 February 2015

New adventures,exciting times

I know there would be a lot of you out there that will resonate with what I am going to write. The emotion of feeling like you are not moving, you are not progressing anywhere whether it is in your career or personal life or you spiritual journey. You feel stagnant and you feel like you have been making a effort to stay positive and believe with every ounce of your body that there is something new. Around the corner, any minute now its all going to change and what seems like a eternity,change finally comes.
It's like breathing in the ocean air. Its unexplainable calmness knowing your manifestation has finally come to fruition.

I am trying to hold onto that feeling for as long as I can.

And what I have wanted is to be to go it on my own, to share the knowledge of gardening that I have, to the people that want it.
To ignite the passion of growing your own food and taking that journey to wellness,fresh home grown produce, living sustainably,giving children valuable life skills and crafting with nature as your resource.

And so I am giving up my outdoor job, my garden for a while, but as a friend said to me, its to instill the same knowledge just in a different way.
I have to help little people understand the beauty of what mother nature has to offer.

I am hoping to create awareness that we are all part of a global community, small people and big people can be active participants in nurturing our earth and in-turn ourselves.



I have realised that there is much more to what I do.I have a impact on people and the way they think about certain subjects. Sowing the ...