Sunday 4 May 2014

A time to reflect

I love this time of year.The season visibly changing.
Easter, food, family and long weekends!
This year for me I find myself at a cross roads. I am constantly asking myself, where to now?
In the back of my mind I have always thought I would be having a another child, I had always seen myself with three children, recently I have come to the realization that I wont be having another child.
Being a stay at home mum means commitment and if I had another child that's what I would like to do. When I was a stay at home mum I found it difficult to strike a balance between my role as a mum and  me as a individual. Recently I have reconnected with myself on many levels, I have been doing Bikram yoga for almost a year, I meditate often and I have rediscovered my love for dance.
I have also thought of going back to study. It was only last year that I completed my study. At the moment I garden within a child care center and I run a garden program. I have no formal qualification in horticulture. I guess this is all new for me, deciding which direction I will go with my career. It is also difficult as I can not commit to on campus study, it would have to be online.

 I love being outdoors with children and gardening with them, but I feel I could be doing more. Soon enough I will have to work towards a higher qualification within children's services, that's the way the industry is going. I am lucky I have the job that I do now, being able to take children out to the kitchen garden.

Maybe its my own thirst for knowledge that I striving for. In my soul I know my hands need to be in the soil, teaching how to grow food, even to the littlest of people.
As you see there is a lot on my mind. I am open to whatever comes my way.

Tell me, in this season of reflection and renewal, what is transpiring for you?
Are you at a crossroads in your life?
What plans have taken the back seat,  or what new inspiring ideas do you have?
I would love to hear, what is happening in your world.


I have realised that there is much more to what I do.I have a impact on people and the way they think about certain subjects. Sowing the ...